Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Soggy Saturday

Good Morning Sleepyhead,

Ready to cuddle back under that fluffy down comforter and sleep late? Unusual weather we are having, fog and rain in August??? Pretend it is November, no we don’t have rain in November, pretend it is February… no, we don’t have rain in February either.  Oh, maybe pretend we are in OZ, anything can happen there.  Anyway, here we are on Saturday, bundled up because we San Diegans get cold and get a sweater if it is under 70 degrees out. What whiners we are, 72 degrees all year round and we get antsy when we cant see the sun.  Thats what we pay the big bucks for. Just wait until about 11am when the breeze comes up and blows it all away…..

Soggy Silver Sunrise

Soggy Silver Sunrise

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