Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for November 12, 2009

Seeing Red

Sunrise 1 11-12-2009 7-13-47 AM

Red Rising 1

Sunrise 2 11-12-2009 7-14-00 AM

Red Rising 2

Sunrise 3 11-12-2009 7-14-07 AM

Red Rising 3

Good Morning Red Ryder,

If you remember that reference, you are too old to be getting up this early for anything.  I just know about it because I talked to some oldsters recently (ya, sure).  Anyway, it was worth it. The color only lasted for about 3 minutes, and by the time the cruise ship arrived the horizon was all grey marine layer. So no cruising, shipping, vacationing, or idling allusions here today….