Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for March 5, 2010


Good Morning San Diego,

What a beautiful morining.  It is  Friday, the day before Saturday. You remember Saturday, don’t you? That day off you are supposed to get to play and relax that “they” are always promising you….  It is

Sunrise San Diego

 that day that seem to come around about once every fourteen workdays.  Im sure they say it comes once every week, but you couldnt prove it by me. Well, anyway, be prepared because it is coming tomorrow, and it is going to RAIN….(I think “they” planned that too) sooooo, no tennis, no golf, no long walks on the beach. I think we should fool them and work tomorrow and take the next 3 sunny days in a row off? whatdayathink???? Wanna Come?