Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for May, 2010

The Moral of the Memorial

Good Morning San Diego,

It is Memorial Day, and looks to be another stunner like yesterday. Are we blessed or what? And for our Soldiers:

TO-DAY the earth is dressed in green,

And decked with sweetest flowers:

And all the sky smiles overhead

To bless this land of ours.

No Bloody fields portray to-day

The country’s priceless cost,

Scarce lovelier could the world have


Ere paradise was lost.

Above the fields of former strife

Now starts the waving grain,

And all is bloom and light and life

Where our heroes brave were slain.

Bring sweetest flowers to deck the graves

Where their noble forms are laid:

Bring amaranth and evergreens,

Not those that early fade.

Plant  myrtle and forget-me-nots,

And roses white and red:

Twine laurel wreaths about the stones

Where sleep our martyred dead.

And in the heart and on the lip

Let those who lie away,

Far off in swamps and in the sea,

Be crowned with living bay.

All this we do in memory

Above their sacred dust,

While they, ‘mid flowers sweeter than ours,

Rejoice to-day, we trust.

May children’s children evermore

In this same work delight,

And hold this day in sacredness

To freedom, truth, and right.

May Grey…

Good Morning San Diego,

Man, I just get back to doing my thing, and the sunrise will not show its lovely face no matter how I cajole. May grey better hurry away soon or it will be June! Anyway, here is a little sunshine for you anyway….

Which Wednesday?

Good Afternoon San Diego,

I am continuing to continue to get back on track. Took the pictures, just need to get the schedule to cooperate. What a beautiful May day. Are we having fun yet???

Hey San Diego Where Have You Been?

Good Morning San Diego,

I have been gone, lost but not forgotten, off on a tangent that has led me back to my favorite “square one”. My goal was to take the sunrise shot from my deck in Point Loma for 1 full year, did that, was working on my second year and got a little side tracked. Notice how my body was itching to be back in my own space and ready to shoot.  I’m home, all’s well, and God willing, I will be waking you up with San Diego rising. Are Ya Ready? I had a lot of time to think about the sunrises I have waiting for me,  and I came to realize a truth I might have been missing: Something written by Saint-Exupery:

“Love does not consist in gazing at each other (one perfect sunrise gazing at another!) but in looking outward together in the same direction.”   This quote is going permanently on my sidebar so I don’t forget to bless myself that we are all looking in the same direction.