Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for February, 2011


Good Morning San Diego,

No rain yet. Just a fab sunrise for your morning commute. Enjoy.




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What did I say???

Two monologues do not make a dialogue.  ~Jeff Daly

It occurred to me yesterday that, when writing, what you don’t say sometimes carries more weight than what you do say. Those bland, blank spots in my prose when I am having my “how will they take that?” moments, have come back to haunt me with criticisms of my lack of interesting speech. So from now on I will endeavor to complete my thought so there will be no excuse for confusion. I have decided to take the following advice to heart:

Do not put statements in the negative form.
And don’t start sentences with a conjunction.
If you reread your work, you will find on rereading that a
great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.
De-accession euphemisms.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.
~William Safire, “Great Rules of Writing

Did you get it???

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Fun Friday Listen to Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman and watch the fountain, make it full screen and simply enjoy – Happy Friday everyone!


darkness before the dawn

It’s always darkest before the dawn.  So if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.  ~Author Unknown

Wake up Maggie

“I think I got something to say to you…” song lyrics I can’t get unstuck from my brain this morning.  It would probably mean something prophetic I if even knew someone named Maggie.

Anyway Good Morning San Diego, how the heck are you today? Rain has held off for a little while and there even was a pretty sunrise this morning. Who knew after all the gloom and doom and “it is gonna dump for 7 days” we heard yesterday on the news. Mother nature fooled ya again didn’t she?????

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After the Rise

Good Morning San Diego,

Twice in one day!!! I had an amazing walk with my dogs after the sunrise down on Kellogg beach this morning. Just had to share…..

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Anuptaphobia Day

Good Morning San Diego,

Colder weather, be damned, we have better sunrises when there are clouds in the sky anyway!

Well all you single ladies, did we get over the hardest day of the year yesterday or what??? You know you are in the “anuptaphobia” loop when only your children call to wish you a happy valentines day. You don’t know what that big “A” word is? Well, let me enlighten you here so you don’t get more grey hairs trying to figure it out.  It is the word for a person’s fear of staying single.  I understand that the Germans have an even more interesting sounding word for it “torschlusspanik” or the  door-shutting panic of not finding a suitable husband before the biological clocks strikes “your out!” Anyway, for all of us that went to bed early cuddled up with a good book instead of a hot significant other, we were awake early this glorious morning and were blessed to see this fabulous  sunrise. Enjoy!

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Happy Valentines Day!!!

Good Morning all you lovers in San Diego,

Get out your sweetheart candy, red rose bouquets and your safe sex pamphlet and have a wonderful day….

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Fly my way Flyboy…

Hi San Diego,

Can it possibly get any better to live in San Diego?  I totally don’t think so after yesterdays aerial display. Did you miss it? Did you see it? Are you still talking about it??? I am so pumped up I am ready to enlist in the Navy Air corps just to get the chance to sit in one of those cockpits again. (check out my previous blog about my ride in the AT6). What a hoot we had yesterday sitting on my deck overlooking SD bay watching 100 years of Naval Aviation fly by. Still gives me goosebumps. Here is a major shout out to all those amazing pilots in their magnificent flying machines, and a major salute for all their 100 years of guts and glory for the USA. BOO-YAHHHHHHH

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Mr. Lincoln where are you?

Good Morning San Diego,

I still am not adjusted to the changing of all our important holidays for the convenience of a few long weekends. Growing up I was always envious of my sisters birthday (Memorial Day) because she always had a day off from school to celebrate her day. Lincoln’s birthday was always a biggie in our household because that was my husbands birthday. Now it gets nary a mention. That has always made me sad, between loosing St. Christopher (what am I going to do with all those medals I bought for future gifts???) and Christopher Columbus, I keep wondering what other Christ… name is going to be lost next. I can see it fading already.  What I am positively excited about is the celebration this weekend of 100 years of Naval Aviation. The flyby will be right in front of my home tomorrow. I will share any good pics I get with you in Sundays blog. Until then, I am still thinking of Mr. Lincoln….

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Good Morning San Diego,

Awoke to one of the prettiest sunrises in February so far. Not that we have come very far in the month. But not a bad rise anyway. ….


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Punky is at it again

Wake up you little Groundhog. If you can spell Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania or if your name is Phil, I predict you will not care if San Diego has six more weeks of winter days. We average 72 degrees and have a year round tan anyway.

February 1st  is Groundhog day, and Phil ( that little furry beast) will be unable to dig through the snow in most places to even get out to make his pugnacious predictions of protracted precipitation in your precinct. PPPPP Thats all folks…….

For more on little Punky:

Lifeguard in Coronado