Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

To Think or Not To Think

Good Morning San Diego,

Here is your list of whats on the schedule for this month: lets see what I can do with it….

  • National Humor Month (can I be funny?)
  • International Guitar Month (funny would be me attempting to play guitar for you)
  • Keep America Beautiful Month (I could polish my guitar before I attempted to play for you)
  • Lawn and Garden Month (I could attempt to play sitting amongst the weeds in my yard)
  • Poetry Month (I could wear organza as I sing my stanza)
  • National Pecan Month (wow! this is tougher than I thought it would be)
  • National Welding Month (I could think about permanently sealing my mouth shut)
  • Records and Information Management Month (I could shred all the evidence of this particular blog)
  • Stress Awareness Month (I could acknowledge that this may have been a bad idea, what was I thinking?)
  • Assault Awareness Month (I can duck away from all the thrown tomatoes)
  • Come on…it’s really hard to think on Monday!



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