Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Open Wide…

Today is the 126th Opening Day at San Diego Yacht Club. It is a day to make sure your “dressed ship” is in “bristol” condition and ready for inspection. The dock with the highest percentage of dressed yachts will be awarded a prize. I hear that the prize has been a dock cart full of beer and wine in the past. Tradition has it that signal flags are flown from the mast to create the festive atmosphere that kicks off the new sailing season.

San Diego Yacht Club

Opening Ceremonies

  • The United States Marine Corps Color Guard and Band in San Diego will honor us at the Opening Ceremony. It is always a moving experience.
  • The revenue cutter Californian will be moored in the turning basin and open for your entertainment.
  • The Commodore’s theme this year is the Opening Day Fair.
  • Yachts throughout the club will be open for Hospitality (see below).
  • There will be several complimentary food and beverage stations for your gastronomic pleasure.
  • Strolling musicians entertain you, and we are attempting to arrange for our usual perfect Opening Day weather.

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