Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for May, 2011

Night Moves

Fooey! The porchlight is burnt out, and I can’t see whether it’s dark outside or not.  ~Dave Beard


Good Morning San Diego,

“to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The Moment Just Before

Good Morning San Diego,

“Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think.  Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.  ~A.A. Milne

Anticipation? What could be better than the best you can imagine experiencing? In all ways sweeter, warmer, funnier, happier, lovelier or more perfect? Wait for it, think about it, savor it over and over. The deliciousness could sustain for a lifetime. In actuality the moment is over in a moment, but the anticipation is always there to pick up, examine, savor and store to entertain for another day. So I wait in breathless anticipation for another sunrise…….

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Catch My Soul

The windows of my soul I throw
Wide open to the sun.
~John Greenleaf Whittier

Good Morning San Diego,

And a great Memorial Day Sunday to you too. And to all those who have known me well in the last 11 years, share in my memorial to my late husband by wishing him a blessing, and say a prayer on the anniversary of his birthday.

Words I live by:

Don’t cry because it’s over.  Smile because it happened.  ~Theodor Seuss Geisel

Good Evening San Diego,

This is what we do in San Diego when we have a three day vacation with lots of time to kill….

Chase fish up a staircase

Chase long distance bicycle riders

Chase a lazy R&R day…..

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Heroes and Saints

Good Morning San Diego,

The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.  The saint is the man who walks through the dark paths of the world, himself a light.  ~Felix Adler

Here is my “shout out” to all the heroes and saints that are serving in our armed forces.

Thank you, Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,

There is not room on the page to give enough thanks. I just try to say it one on one when I see the hero in uniform. I hope you will do the same….


Alive Again

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.  ~Attributed to Howard Thurman

Good Morning San Diego,

Are you alive yet? Breathing, laughing, sneezing? Pay attention; you have a three day weekend to awaken that happy  sleeping self that has been somnambulant  for so long. Shake him up, wake him up and take him out on the town, you might just have a good time…..

Flower Power

Hello San Diego,

I was in Encinitas recently and had the opportunity to view some of the flower growers wares. What a beautiful site! Only in San Diego can you spend your free time freely and get an eye full of eye candy just by walking through a gate….

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.  ~Claudia Ghandi

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Shining in the Sun

Good Morning San Diego,

May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!

~Irish Blessing

Wake up! It’s Monday

Good Morning San Diego,

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.  ~Irish Proverb

Being Irish, I have always believed that we have been much maligned. I think of potatoes, drinking, and bad green clothes jokes. But I am happy

St. Patrick's Day 2001

to be a part of a group that is always shown with a smile on the face, a Guiness in the hand, and a large group of happy friends…What could be better?

Work a little, Play a little…

Good Evening San Diego,

Up at 5:30, in the office by 9:00, open house at 12:00 and back home at 4:30pm. Whew, what a day…. But just for you I took a few shots of my evening that made up for my days labors. Enjoy!

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Silly Sunday

Good Morning San Diego,

It is another silly Sunday, what was I thinking? Up at 5:30am to see a wayward child poke his head out from under the cloud cover, only to realize that after last nights late partying he will sleep in and may not wake his shining eyes up until the rest of us are back from church. Even after my late night’s revelry yesterday, I am still up at dawn to greet him..It must be love

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 You are my sonshine.  ~Author Unknown

Where did he go?

Good Morning San Diego,

Well, where did he go? That handsome elusive sun of San Diego? He has been ephemeral of late. Popping into our lives to light us up with visions of warm dreamy summer days ahead, and then teasingly hiding behind the grey blanket of the marine layer once again. Just a kidder, I guess, knowing that what we want and can’t have makes us want it even more. I suppose we will just have to put up with his errant ways through our “May Grey” and again more waiting as the “June Gloom” passes. Ah, for the days of sunrise mornings, suntan afternoons, and greenflash nights…..

Power to the Chickens

Good Morning San Diego,

Did you know that today is National ‘Mike the Chicken’ day? Heck, who anywhere but Colorado would know??? I don’t know what they are growing and smokin’ in Colorado, but this does sound like something someone outside of California might celebrate….Any excuse for a party!

May – Be

Good Morning San Diego,

Whoa, that was last night… (photo link)

One more time,

Good Morning San Diego,

Just a little sunrise this morning, peeking thru the clouds. Its going to be a beautiful day.

Rain Dance

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

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(Here is a wink 😉 to the one who forced me outside in the rain to get this morning shot for you….)

Blast from the past

Good Morning San Diego,

Well, it is another marine layer no sunrise day, so to cheer you up here is something sweet from the past for your repast:

My old blog, from my younger days (3 years ago) when I first started out as a blogger. 300+ blog days and counting then, when I realized that I was being blocked because the name “goodmorningsandiego” might just have been copyrighted….Who Knew???

The Moon in June…No wait, it’s May

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Good Evening San Diego,

The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand.  ~Frederick L. Knowles

Were on again!

Good Morning San Diego,

Yahoo, a real sunrise, with the sun and everything! Can you believe it? The marine layer decided to be a little kinder this morning and just turned into enough big clouds to make the morning shine…..

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Is that water boiling yet???

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Good Morning San Diego,

Man, I am still full. Louisiana came to San Diego yesterday in a private family party a Rohr Park in Bonita. Zydeco music and Bayou Cooking, what could be finer? Hmmm, let me think….. Getting invited, and getting invited back for next year! I’m happy, I have never held, shucked, or eaten craw-fish before. But I got an education and a full tummy Saturday. Thank you Cher, and thank you Mr.  L. Horton for the amazing afternoon.


Well I went to the bayou just last night
There was no moon but the stars were bright
Put a big long hook on a big long pole
And I pulled Mr. Crawfish out of his hole

See I got him, see the size
Stripped and cleaned before your eyes
Sweet meat look, fresh and ready to cook

Now take Mr. Crawfish in your hand
He’s gonna look good in your frying pan
If you fry him crisp or you boil him right
He’ll be sweeter than sugar with every bite

Sung by Elvis Presley; words and lyrics by Benjamin Weiseman & Fred Wise

Heroes and Heroines

Good Morning San Diego,

Many grey days in the morning have left me uninspired lately. So here is something to make you smile. (Boo-Hoo for me) I did not win my tennis match in my last round of the National Hard courts at La Jolla yesterday – but made it thrugh four rounds. My highlight was really this photo with my idol, Dodo Cheney. She did win her SINGLES match, playing in the 90’s age division! This is where I aim to be when I am 90. Care to join me???

It’s a beautiful morning

Good Morning San Diego,

Hey the sun is shining, the rain has washed everything sparkling clean, and my partner and I are through to the second round. Life is good…..R

Only One Mother

Good Morning San Diego,

Hugs and Kisses To You Moms Wherever You Are.      Love Rory

For Mothers Day: 4 generations of my families women.

Top left me – Rory Shannon, clockwise: My Mother – Barbara Louise, My Grandmother – Laura Ellen, My Grandfather- Angus Everett, and My Daughter – Shannon Grace

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the wide world over.

~George Cooper

May Gray

Good Morning San Diego,

May gray go away! No sunrise again today!

It is the day after Cinco De Mayo. I hope you all had as much fun and laughter last as I did last night. And don’t forget to kiss your Mommy and tell her how much you love her on Mother’s Day Sunday. That will make her day much more happy than any card you could send……