Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…


Celebrate, Celebrate, it is a Milestone at 500

  • 500 (things to do on the bucket list?)
  • 500 (my batting average?)
  • 500 (as in the Indy?)
  • 500 years old (Methuselah at middle age?)
  • 500 blog posts (happened right now!)

What an amazing number. Who knew that a little challenge to myself to hit 365 would turn into so much more. 204 blog posts at and 500 more here.

Darn, I was thinking that 500 was my milestone, but with the first site added in I’m at 704 really. I guess the big test will be to make it to 1000.

 Premature celebration. I hate it when that happens.

Celebration Moon

Mooning over San Diego

Good Afternoon San Diego,

Hot enough for you today? Since we did not have much summer sunshine, Indian summer is here to make up for it. And the red tide at night will sparkle more than just the reflection of the moon….

A sonnet of the moon

LOOK how the pale queen of the silent night

Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her,
And he, as long as she is in his sight,
With her full tide is ready her to honor.
But when the silver waggon of the moon
Is mounted up so high he cannot follow,
The sea calls home his crystal waves to moan,
And with low ebb doth manifest his sorrow.
So you that are the sovereign of my heart
Have all my joys attending on your will;
My joys low-ebbing when you do depart,
When you return their tide my heart doth fill.
So as you come and as you do depart,
Joys ebb and flow within my tender heart. 
Charles Best

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New Moon

Sonnet of the Moon

How the pale queen of the silent night

Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her,

And he, as long as she is in his sight,
With her full tide is ready her to honor.
But when the silver waggon of the moon
Is mounted up so high he cannot follow,
The sea calls home his crystal waves to moan,
And with low ebb doth manifest his sorrow.
So you that are the sovereign of my heart
Have all my joys attending on your will;
My joys low-ebbing when you do depart,
When you return their tide my heart doth fill.
So as you come and as you do depart,
Joys ebb and flow within my tender heart. Charles Best

Good Evening San Diego,

Can you tell that I have become even more bored with the marine layer? And now I am missing out on all the moonshine too.  I am back to my archives to satisfy my longing for my favorite light source. Light on Light, this is one of my favorites….

Light on Light on Light

Moony Monday

Good Morning San Diego,

Well here is another sunless sunrise for ya. So the moon rise last night will just have to do.

 Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day.


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San Diego Sunlight

Good Morning San Diego,

Ever have a morning when your mood did not reflect in the way the day felt? Well, when I wake in the morning all warm, rested, and ready for a fabulous day and the sunrise is all grey and sad I feel a little bi-polar or at least bi-beached off. I want sunrise and I want it now! I also want Patience (but I want it now!) What about you?

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Good Morning San Diego,

After an amazingly good nights sleep, I awoke early and found sister moon still illuminating our western horizon as the brother sun tried to force his way through all our insistent slate grey cloud cover in the east.

That orbed maiden, with white fire laden,
Whom mortals call the moon.
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Cloud


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