Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Posts tagged “Bay View

Best By-Gone

Good Morning San Diego,

So much for daily sunrise shots. It seems like the weather has not cooperated in months! We have beautiful sunny days, but not until about 11am. May grey, June gloom, man am I waiting for July.

Still jonesing for a sunrise to capture I have resorted to my archives of shots not yet posted. This is one of my favs from last year. (Man I had to dig to find something that moved me).

You Picked a Fine Time

Good Morning San Diego,

And what a fine morning it is Martha! Just look at that…


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Dawn:  When men of reason go to bed.  ~Ambrose Bierce

Good Morning San Diego,

It must be dawn, the clock says so, my brain says so, but the sky says 2 more hours before the light….

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Count your Blessings

A fellow who does things that count, doesn’t usually stop to count them.  ~Variation of a saying by Albert Einstein

Good Morning San Diego,

And when you are done counting, stop, look around, and tell everyone you see in a uniform today (Veteran’s Day) that they “count” and we are blessed because of them.

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Daughter of the Water

I am the daughter of Earth and Water,
And the nursling of the Sky;
I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores;
I change, but I cannot die….
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Cloud”

Good Morning San Diego,

Sometimes waking up is the best thing that happens all day. Today’s sunrise was one of the best in many moons, having the power to influence the whole of my attitude for the rest of the day. Today I will be thinking in pinks, purples, and blue….

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Young Enough

“I’m not young enough to know everything.” Oscar Wilde

Good Morning San Diego,

Hey what is up with it raining on my parade? It never rains in San Diego, and definitely not on MY birthday. Who’s in charge of the celebration arrangements anyway? I need to complain. So much for a surf lesson and sunbathing after, out the door is that long romantic walk in balboa park, and I wont be finding a treasure at the swap meet…. I guess I will just wash my hair.


To chase the glowing hours with flying feet

Good Morning San Diego,

I am up and chasing the glowing….

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What did I say???

Two monologues do not make a dialogue.  ~Jeff Daly

It occurred to me yesterday that, when writing, what you don’t say sometimes carries more weight than what you do say. Those bland, blank spots in my prose when I am having my “how will they take that?” moments, have come back to haunt me with criticisms of my lack of interesting speech. So from now on I will endeavor to complete my thought so there will be no excuse for confusion. I have decided to take the following advice to heart:

Do not put statements in the negative form.
And don’t start sentences with a conjunction.
If you reread your work, you will find on rereading that a
great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.
De-accession euphemisms.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.
~William Safire, “Great Rules of Writing

Did you get it???

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Misty Monday

The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours.  No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen.  And the fact that it practically always doesn’t, matters not a jot.  The possibility is always there.  ~Monica Baldwin

I love that Possibility. And lately have even been happy to see the grey, drizzly days. That just means I have an extra hour to enjoy in my day because I don’t have to water today. I can turn my automatic sprinklers off and thumb my nose at my water bill for another day. My pool deck just got a bath. Rain is really a timesaver. We had a beautiful, hot, high surf, Fed Cup Tennis, R&R weekend. Now we can start the week all rested and scrubbed clean. And for those of you that don’t agree with me, this might sum up how the rest of you are feeling:

I have a “carpe diem” mug and, truthfully, at six in the morning the words do not make me want to seize the day.  They make me want to slap a dead poet.  ~Joanne Sherman

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Play Misty For Me

Pre Rise

Misty Sunrise

Good Misty Morning San Diego,

I awoke to mist puddles on my deck, my cold wet feet shivered while I took these shots for you. How I sacrifice for my fans… (guess who forgot to fetch her slippers because the sunrise was so fetching)….

Bright Light, Bright Light

Cruise ship 1 11-16-2009 7-05-13 AM_stitch

Cruise Ship Sunrise

Good Morning Monday,

I am sitting here with the sun at my back so bright I can hardly see the computer screen. The sunrise is glowing behind me, and my eyes are complaining all the way.  Not a cloud in the sky and the Cruise Ships are backed up waiting to slide into their showoff spots at the terminal. The tourists couldn’t have paid to get any better a wake up call than this one….

High Troughs Aloft


Friday Sunrise 1


Friday Sunrise 2

Wake up San Diego,

It’s Friday, the weekend welcome wagon is knocking on your door, and its time to have to have some R&R. No rain in the forecast, even though the clouds look promising. So water your roses and take a break, I’ll see you on the beach.

Tuesday Lite

Good Afternoon San Diego,

Did you see the sunrise today? I did. 

Tuesday Light

Tuesday Light

I was just a little lagging in posting for you.  Busy morning, just a little cold, I wore a sweater, can you believe it? Now at 1pm it is typical SD, 70s blue sky and amazingly clear.  Kisses to the SD gods of the weather, we are blessed.  Shorts in October, Hello!!!…..what could be better?


Blue Tuesday

Blue Tuesday

Blue Boat Tuesday

Blue Boat Tuesday

Good Morning San Diego,

Skies are blue, but not the sunny kind. We will have the clear hot weather after about 11am, but for now we can enjoy the cool blue of the dawn.   Click this link to Sunrisea  poem  “by Paul” I like.  How cool is the  internet;  I can share anything I am passionate about, and find people like Paul who’s interests mesh with mine. Then, I can share them with you, who dont really care one way or the other, but know I will hound you until you look at my blog today…

White on White

Where did everybody go?

Where did everybody go?

Good Morning Mr. Sandburg,

The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Carl Sandburg

Our fog came on more like a white Siberian tiger, leaping over Point Loma and laying down its fuzzy white belly over the city.  I could see my hand in front of my face, but nothing more….

Hello world!

Golden Sunrise San Diego

Golden Sunrise San Diego

Guess what

?? I’m changing…

“Know what’s weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon…everything’s different. “
 – Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

Just in time for a late summer sunrise to kick off my new look. Let me know what you think. I was foreced by the powers that be to reinvent myself because “Good Morning San Diego” seems to be (somewhat) copyright protected, causing my blog to be blocked on the internet….AmIBad?