Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Posts tagged “Cruise Ship Elation

Friday Finally

Good Morning San Diego,

Hello–It’s Friday.

Finally Friday

Bright Light, Bright Light

Cruise ship 1 11-16-2009 7-05-13 AM_stitch

Cruise Ship Sunrise

Good Morning Monday,

I am sitting here with the sun at my back so bright I can hardly see the computer screen. The sunrise is glowing behind me, and my eyes are complaining all the way.  Not a cloud in the sky and the Cruise Ships are backed up waiting to slide into their showoff spots at the terminal. The tourists couldn’t have paid to get any better a wake up call than this one….

I’m in a pink Fog

Good Morning  San Diego,

Pink has never been my favorite color (being a redhead for so long).  Now that I am a blond, I guess I can stand to have a little bit of that girlie color in my wardrobe.  San Diego looks pretty good dressed in it, I think….

Pink city sunrise 11-9-2009 7-07-15 AM

Pink City Sunrise

Pink Elation Sunrise

Elation in the Pink

Pink Elation Sunrise wide 11-9-2009 6-57-31 AM

Elation Cruise Ship in Pink Sunrise SD

Pink yacht club sunrise 11-9-2009 7-07-35 AM

Pink Yacht Club Sunrise San Diego

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Checking out of San Diego

Checking out of San Diego

Good Evening San Diego,

Just thought you might like to see the Cruise Ship Elation heading out of the channel into open water. It is going and we are staying. To some that would be sad, but I’m “Elated” that I get to live here year round, and they were only here overnight. Say “Bye-Bye to the nice tourists”….