Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Posts tagged “Rain in San Diego

Young Enough

“I’m not young enough to know everything.” Oscar Wilde

Good Morning San Diego,

Hey what is up with it raining on my parade? It never rains in San Diego, and definitely not on MY birthday. Who’s in charge of the celebration arrangements anyway? I need to complain. So much for a surf lesson and sunbathing after, out the door is that long romantic walk in balboa park, and I wont be finding a treasure at the swap meet…. I guess I will just wash my hair.


A Rain Lullaby

Good Morning San Diego,

Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.  ~Langston Hughes

There never seems to be a perfect day for a rainstorm.  Wedding or wake, first birthday or last walk of a vacation, the sky is  sending liquid sunshine down on your parade, washing away all the detritus of before leaving sparkling thoughts behind….

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What did I say???

Two monologues do not make a dialogue.  ~Jeff Daly

It occurred to me yesterday that, when writing, what you don’t say sometimes carries more weight than what you do say. Those bland, blank spots in my prose when I am having my “how will they take that?” moments, have come back to haunt me with criticisms of my lack of interesting speech. So from now on I will endeavor to complete my thought so there will be no excuse for confusion. I have decided to take the following advice to heart:

Do not put statements in the negative form.
And don’t start sentences with a conjunction.
If you reread your work, you will find on rereading that a
great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.
De-accession euphemisms.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.
~William Safire, “Great Rules of Writing

Did you get it???

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Good Morning San Diego,

Hold on to your hat. It is windy, stormy and wet. No long walks in the park today. Cozy up to that sexy book in front of the fireplace and drink hot coco…..

Saturday Silver

Sliver Sunrise San Diego

Good Morning Sleepy Saturday,

Here is just a little silver lining for your ‘wake me up’ coffee cup. Iinconvenient though it is, the little rain we are getting is making my very contented.  I can cuddle under my down comforter just a little longer this morning knowing I dont have to go water my garden, and guess what, I think we are going to get enough that I might not have to pick up that watering can for another week. Maybe I will get to read the last chapters in that book I cant seem to find the time to finsih, or add a little more sparkle to my Christmas tree, or maybe even buy someone a present and even get it wrapped in time .  What a joy it is to find an extra hour in that busy Saturday schedule.  Which of the 100 things on my “to do list” should come first??? I think about 15 minutes more of zzzzzzzzzzzzz………