Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Archive for April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Good Morning Good Friday San Diego,

It is the end of the workweek and the beginning of Easter weekend. None of that “spring break” stuff for me.  It is what it is and should be called what it is.  I have no problem with other faiths, with all  their religious holidays, using their original (“god given” whatever god they choose)  names for the celebrations they wish to participate in.  I am celebrating Easter now. You can celebrate Ramadan, Roshh Hashana, Navaratri, or the summer solstice. I have no need to make you change your holy names. Enlighten me if you wish, with all the positive details of the beliefs that make you a better person, and I will be glad to shar ,enjoy, and rejoice in all the things we have in common. So on this Sunday, the Christian Easter

 holy day, may you be blessed, will all that your faith brings to you .