Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

San Diego CA

Ode to One

Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown

Good Morning San Diego,

For me there is a really big difference between loneliness and solitude. I can deal with small chunks of the former and I sometimes even revel in the latter. A bubble bath at two in the afternoon? Breakfast at three AM?  Bed and a book at six PM? Now that is nourishing to my soul, not loneliness, just savoring the solitude…

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A Ray for Today

Hey San Diego, did you see the sunrise this AM? Did you snuggle under the covers and miss the 6am-ish ray display? Well you are in luck, ‘cuz I saw it, on a scale of 1-10 it was about a 6. I’ve seen better…

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I’m Not Talking

Good Morning San Diego,

Sometimes the photos speak for themselves:

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A Little Extra

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.  ~Jimmy Johnson

Good Morning San Diego,

Ready to experience a little extra? Well this morning was not ordinary. After a summer of foggy grey ordinary quiet mornings without the sun today was the extraordinary one that keeps me anticipating daybreak. What a “little extra”….

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On the horizon

Good Morning San Diego,

Where have you been? Still hiding behind that marine layer all, all, all summer. It is almost September (shut up!) and I only have a handfull of photos to show for it. Anyway, these will just have to do, as I can’t just sit here and not post something….

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Wednesday Wake Up

Good Morning San Diego,

Time to get up and start that mid-week day that begins the slide into the weekend. I know you are sleepy, but grab that cup-o-Joe and caffeinate your way into the day…. I make serious coffee – so strong it wakes up the neighbors.  ~Author Unknown. 

Ocean Day

Good Morning San Diego,

Did you know that today is National Ocean Day? If you own an ocean, today is the day to tie a blue bow around its neck and take it out for a walk to show it off. Oh! Wait….sorry, sorry, that is National Scottish Terrier Day, I was confused! Today is the day to make sure you remember to keep our oceans clean and healthy. That means that all you sweaty, sunscreen slathered tourists had better be using biodegradable products so that you don’t choke all the dolphins into oblivion…(again, just kidding…) Anyway, if you can sneak away from your desk for long enough to take a peek at the ocean, just bless yourself and be glad that we are the fortunate ones that can enjoy a beautiful city and a beautiful sea, and that we want to keep it that way! Mother Nature has spoken.

Am I Me?

If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow.  If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder.  If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow.  If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile.  But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.  ~Author Unknown

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Good Evening Geniuses

A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see – and hits it.  ~Author Unknown

Hey San Diego,

Did you miss me this morning? Up and out early today. So just to keep ya coming back, here is a little of what caught my eye today:

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Good Evening San Diego,

Night, the beloved.  Night, when words fade and things come alive.  When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again.  When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Couldn’t resist even though I only had my cell phone. Sunsets in OB don’t thrill me as much as sunrises in PL but this is adding spice to my life, a little sea salt with my pepper so to speak……

Tuesday Tales

Hello San Diego,

So sad, no sunrise, the marine layer strikes again….So how about some outtakes from my sail yesterday?  Whynot…

Good Friday

Good Morning Good Friday San Diego,

It is the end of the workweek and the beginning of Easter weekend. None of that “spring break” stuff for me.  It is what it is and should be called what it is.  I have no problem with other faiths, with all  their religious holidays, using their original (“god given” whatever god they choose)  names for the celebrations they wish to participate in.  I am celebrating Easter now. You can celebrate Ramadan, Roshh Hashana, Navaratri, or the summer solstice. I have no need to make you change your holy names. Enlighten me if you wish, with all the positive details of the beliefs that make you a better person, and I will be glad to shar ,enjoy, and rejoice in all the things we have in common. So on this Sunday, the Christian Easter

 holy day, may you be blessed, will all that your faith brings to you .


Hey Ray, What d’ Ya Say

Hey San Diego,

It looks like black tuesday out, with just a little ray of sunlight trying to shine on our parade. Were in for cooler weather, but Ray was always cool in my book. So let it rain…..

Hey Ray

Sunshine Saturday

Saturday Morning

Good Morning San Diego,

We are up and ready for the sun.

Friday Rising

Good Morning San Diego,

Up through a little marine cloud cover, still looking golden, the sun still rises….

Friday Rising

Torch It

Hey San Diego,

Did you see the city skyline tonight at sunset?  What a conflagration, the dying rays of the sunset flaming up all the buildings.  It would make any pyromaniac weep… Watch the burn here: Play slideshow

San Diego Torch Song

Misty Monday

Good Morning San Diego,

Another Monday. Starting the week with a little storm on the horizon. Keep your galoshes handy, (as a California girl I have never even been in the same room with a pair of galsohes), don’t backwind your umbrella (the real rain wise in Seattle never even use one, I don’t even own one) and water-proof your hat! When this storm passes you might not need to do these things again for a couple of years…..

Noah….Yes Lord?

Good Afternoon San Diego,

How big is a CUBIT anyway???? After last nights rain in Point Loma, I was ready to start building the boat. All is well in Point Loma now, but they say we are to get ready for more.  I have 3 Scottie Dogs, and one cat that hates to get wet. Do you think that I can get the 4 of them to walk on 2 by 2???

After the Rain

Art in Motion

Goldrise Breaching

Sunrise over San Diego Skyline

Good Morning San Diego:

Inside you there’s an artist you dont’ know about….Say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe.  -Jalai ud-din Rumi

Kellogg Beach harbor

Wind, Rain, and Redivivus

Good Morning San Diego,

The story is stormy, the outlook is for ‘ylem”, and the outcome is “redivivivus”…..(so look it up!)

Christmas Eve on the Rise

Good Morning San Diego,

“The light of the Christmas star to you, The warmth of home and hearth to you, The cheer and good will of friends to you, The hope of a childlike heart to you, The joy of a thousand angels to you, The love of the Son and God’s peace to you.”  – Irish Christmas Blessing-  From Rory Shannon O’Hearn (Tarantino)

Christmas Eve Rising

Point Loma Rush Hour

Freeway, Highway, Waterway, rush hour is still the same wherever you roam. Looks like everyone wants to be home for the Charger game….

Point Loma Rush Hour

Chalk La Strada

They eyes have it

They eyes have it

Little Italy Chalk La Strada (chalk on the street) on Sunday for Columbus Day Festa sent all the contestants home with colored chalk dust in their hair and a major accomplishment under their belt. Amazing to know that the street sweeper and a hose will be destroying this today.  For more photos click on this:   to my web album

Fire in the sky Friday

Good evening San Diego,

This morning was a fog fest again, no sunrise to see, so here is the sunset instead….

Red Sky at Night Sailors Delight

Red Sky at Night Sailors Delight