Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Cruise Ship

Best By-Gone

Good Morning San Diego,

So much for daily sunrise shots. It seems like the weather has not cooperated in months! We have beautiful sunny days, but not until about 11am. May grey, June gloom, man am I waiting for July.

Still jonesing for a sunrise to capture I have resorted to my archives of shots not yet posted. This is one of my favs from last year. (Man I had to dig to find something that moved me).

Blue Bye You

Never a ship sails out of the bay. But carries my heart as a stowaway.  ~Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Good Morning San Diego,

Slipping silently into the harbor this morning before sunrise, all ten decks of the Holland America Line were softly lit and glowing on the surface of the calm channel water. Without seeing it I never would have been aware that three thousand new temporary neighbors had arrived in my little town. San Diego had just gained a small village that when leaving will no doubt look back over their shoulder and think of us as having captured a piece of their heart as well….

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Change and change again

Good Morning San Diego,

It is waaay to wet and foggy to get a good picture for you this morning, so here is one I took yesterday. I think they were heading out quickly because they knew that the weather was changing….

Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
Tomorrow be today.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It’s Rain Diego Day

Good Morning San Diego,

Waking up before the dawn this morning I was thinking that the days photos would be many shades of grey, again… But wow did I get a lesson in patience today. My vigil was rewarded with another amazing SD morning.  I was recently enlightened by a competitive sailor that the recent earthquakes around the world have shifted the earths axis enough to possibly cause the nautical charts to be redrawn, and could be the cause of these unusual weather patterns. Who knew that an earthquake on the other side of the world could make it rain in sunny San Diego?

The fluttering of a butterfly’s wings can effect climate changes on the other side of the planet.  ~Paul Erlich

Question: Where do butterflies go when it rains?

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Sepia Sailing

Good Morning San Diego

In real estate the buzz word is always “location, location, location”, in photography it is “lighting, lighting, lighting”…

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That’s how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen

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Friday Finally

Good Morning San Diego,

Hello–It’s Friday.

Finally Friday

First Day of Spring

Good Morning San Diego,

A little high-brow prose for you:

Spring has sprung, The grass is riz, I wonder where dem flowers is?

or maybe you prefer:

The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. Henry Van Dyke

Mischievous Monday

Monday Sunrise

Mischievous Monday Morning to you.

I awakened this morning at 5am to the sound of squeaking wheels being dragged down my driveway, thinking John was up early with the trash, I rolled over and went back to sleep. But not for long. Those irritating squeaking wheels were back and louder, and closer. What the heck is that??? Click here:  Wake up Call

Seems like every juvenile encounter ends up in the back seat of the car!!  After that, the cruise ship arriving seemed anti-climatic…

I’m in a pink Fog

Good Morning  San Diego,

Pink has never been my favorite color (being a redhead for so long).  Now that I am a blond, I guess I can stand to have a little bit of that girlie color in my wardrobe.  San Diego looks pretty good dressed in it, I think….

Pink city sunrise 11-9-2009 7-07-15 AM

Pink City Sunrise

Pink Elation Sunrise

Elation in the Pink

Pink Elation Sunrise wide 11-9-2009 6-57-31 AM

Elation Cruise Ship in Pink Sunrise SD

Pink yacht club sunrise 11-9-2009 7-07-35 AM

Pink Yacht Club Sunrise San Diego

Wet One

Sunrise over Coronado Bridge

Sunrise over Coronado Bridge

Dont blink or you will miss it

Dont blink or you will miss it

Good Morning Wet Willie,

What is that liquid stuff falling from the sky? Please send us some more, I like it…..

Subtle Sunrise

Good Morning San Diego,,

Our Friday is off to another soft subtle start for the weekend. I’m still longing for for the rises we had in March…. But until the conditions allow, I will have to post more days of a quiet nature for you.

Yacht Club at Dawn

Yacht Club at Dawn

Just to keep you interested I will repost the views that get me up at 5am every morning…

Elation slides in to port

Elation slides in to port

Thru rose colored glasses, the dawn

Thru rose colored glasses, the dawn

So many boats so little time

So many boats so little time

So many boats so little time

Blue boats on the blue bay, marine layer go away. From my perspective only about 5% of these beauties ever leave the slip. If I took just one boat from here out every day….I would never finish writing my blog. So I guess I will just sit here and look at them.

Don't you ever sleep?

Don't you ever sleep?

 This seagull arrives about 5:00am and watches me almost every morning as I take my sunrise shots.  I guess I should not have fed him, now I own him?

Wake up SD

Wake up SD

Good morning San Diego. Still no sunrise, just the soft blue halo of our persistant marine layer.

Previous Post

Checking out of San Diego

Checking out of San Diego

Good Evening San Diego,

Just thought you might like to see the Cruise Ship Elation heading out of the channel into open water. It is going and we are staying. To some that would be sad, but I’m “Elated” that I get to live here year round, and they were only here overnight. Say “Bye-Bye to the nice tourists”….