Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Posts tagged “fog

Mist curling in the rigging

Good Morning San Diego,

Welcome to the soft side of sunrise. No bright pinks, blues and golds for you today. Just the soft, enveloping mist curling in the rigging of the only outlines visible in the vapor. A soft start to a strong day.


Foggy Docks

A low line of shore was visible at first on the right between the movement of the waves and fog, but when we came further it was lost sight of, and nothing could be seen but the mist curling in the rigging, and a small circle of foam. 

John Millington Synge  (thanks to www.

Fog up my glasses

Good Morning San Diego,

Sunrise? Fogged in. What a pretty morning anyway. Sailboats sliding in and out of the clouds, silhouetted shapes, serenading fog horns.  What a soft way to wake today.

softfog horns.

Good Morning Grayson

Foggy Morning

Foggy Morning

 I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow, I learn by going where I have to go.    

  Theodore Roethke

Not me! I wake to wake, and take my waking early, so the day can lead me by the hand into the days next inspiration. Todays gift  is a blank canvas, washed in white, prepared by mother nature for us to inspire creativity. The color white is the presence of all colors in one, spin a color wheel and the wheel turns white (not black, silly). So pick a color for today and make it spin out your way…. Rory T

Sunrise on Time?

Good Morning Disappointment,

The sun was scheduled to rise at 6:58am this morning. I think some one lied. This photo was taken at 7:00, although two minutes late, I think there would be less white if you were looking at a blank page….



A walk in the clouds

Fog Horn Fantasy

Fog Horn Fantasy

Good Morning Fog Breath,

Well, today I can see a little further than my hand. It is softly quiet out, I have not heard the whistle buoy or the seals this morning, but awakened to the baritone of the required 6 notes of a large ships’ fog horn. Love that kind of ‘get outta bed’ alarm.

White on White

Where did everybody go?

Where did everybody go?

Good Morning Mr. Sandburg,

The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Carl Sandburg

Our fog came on more like a white Siberian tiger, leaping over Point Loma and laying down its fuzzy white belly over the city.  I could see my hand in front of my face, but nothing more….

Foggy, Foggy Nite

Fog Wave Over Point Loma

Fog Wave Over Point Loma

Surf that foggy wave

Surf that foggy wave

City Fog Bank

City Fog Bank

Good Evening San Diego,

Ever thought about surfing a fog wave? I never have, you are wierd…   no really, I have thought about what it must be like to be standing on the tippy-top of Point Loma and feeling the spray of the tiniest sprinklets of fog dew on my cheeks as this white wave curls over my head.  Gives me goose bumps right now where I am sitting. (I’m not very far from this spot and I am sweating from heat and humidity at 5:30 pm) What a wimp. But look at the last picture, would you think that just a few blocks away they can’s see the other side of the street?

Sailboat races at SDYC

Sailboat races at SDYC

White Wednesday

White Wednesday

Good Morning San Diego,

Soo much for that heat spell we were waiting for. Woke up this morning to almost rain like moisture, the decks and flowers got a soft shower of morning dew. Its a ‘cant see your hand in front of your face day’. Really fun change in the weather and unexpected.  I have a feeling it won’t last long, but for now the whistle bell fog bouy is playing its little tune, the sea lions are seranading us, the “get  outta my way or Ill crush you”  tug boat horns are a staccato in the background.  Just typical Point Loma morning music…..