Aurora Musis Amica – Dawn is the friend of the Muse…

Posts tagged “Southwestern Yacht Club

Good Morning San Diego,

They say “any old port in a storm”. Well, this port went through an amazing storm, hail and all right on the water. Crazy. To look at us this morning you would never have known what we went through the last few days….(the people in Minnesota are looking at me and saying “what’s she complaining about? she had one of our nice summer days!)

Mist curling in the rigging

Good Morning San Diego,

Welcome to the soft side of sunrise. No bright pinks, blues and golds for you today. Just the soft, enveloping mist curling in the rigging of the only outlines visible in the vapor. A soft start to a strong day.


Foggy Docks

A low line of shore was visible at first on the right between the movement of the waves and fog, but when we came further it was lost sight of, and nothing could be seen but the mist curling in the rigging, and a small circle of foam. 

John Millington Synge  (thanks to www.

Cloud Cover

Good Morning San Diego,

I like to think of myself as an optimist. I believe that the clouds will soon part and the sun will shine down on our bay again soon today. But I have become pessimistically optimistic about it happening fast enough for me to catch a flick of the sunrise!

A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all – he’s walking on them.  ~Leonard Louis Levinson

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Foggy, Foggy Nite

Fog Wave Over Point Loma

Fog Wave Over Point Loma

Surf that foggy wave

Surf that foggy wave

City Fog Bank

City Fog Bank

Good Evening San Diego,

Ever thought about surfing a fog wave? I never have, you are wierd…   no really, I have thought about what it must be like to be standing on the tippy-top of Point Loma and feeling the spray of the tiniest sprinklets of fog dew on my cheeks as this white wave curls over my head.  Gives me goose bumps right now where I am sitting. (I’m not very far from this spot and I am sweating from heat and humidity at 5:30 pm) What a wimp. But look at the last picture, would you think that just a few blocks away they can’s see the other side of the street?

Sailboat races at SDYC

Sailboat races at SDYC

Last Day of Summer

Good Morning San Diego,

Well here we are, at the last day of summer. Tomorrow is the Autumnul Exuinox. (try to say that 3 times fast).  Weather men say it is going to get hotter though through the end of the week.  I

Last Day of Summer

Last Day of Summer

t should be over 100 in our east county, and 80s at the beach. Pass me a little more Indian Summer, please.  Enjoy it while you can kids, I also heard that this is supposed to be a wet winter. I wonder if I can get a hoodie for my camera?



So many boats so little time

So many boats so little time

So many boats so little time

Blue boats on the blue bay, marine layer go away. From my perspective only about 5% of these beauties ever leave the slip. If I took just one boat from here out every day….I would never finish writing my blog. So I guess I will just sit here and look at them.

Don't you ever sleep?

Don't you ever sleep?

 This seagull arrives about 5:00am and watches me almost every morning as I take my sunrise shots.  I guess I should not have fed him, now I own him?

Wake up SD

Wake up SD

Good morning San Diego. Still no sunrise, just the soft blue halo of our persistant marine layer.